Pong devlog

So, I made a pong clone. W,S to move in single player W,S or up and down arrows to move in multiplayer. The ball accelerates every time it hits something, up to a certain point, after which, it has a constant speed. After scoring 10 times a mini-menu appears (because I red the CRA wrong), in which you can either choose to play another round (everything resets) or quit the game (idk if it works in itch.io though). If I had more time I'd add sounds and make it so that if the ball hits the paddle on the very edge (meaning it's hard to do and you have to risk losing the game) the paddle's speed would permanently increase.

Colours and most graphics were made by Beth Hutchings (someone I know irl) but she didn't want me to leave any links.


Build.zip Play in browser
Jul 31, 2022

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